Mala sizes vary.
There’s a part of you that longs to live your soul’s true purpose. Perhaps you know what that is deep down, but haven’t the courage to take bigger steps towards it. Perhaps you are still looking, searching, yearning to uncover your true reason for being here.
Wherever you’re at, the glorious magic of this Soul Purpose Mala is designed to bring you deeper clarity than ever before. Awaken to the truth that resides at the core of your being through the power of intention, incantation and crystal vibrations.
The stunning card that accompanies this Mala depicts a heart centred woman surrounded by her animal guides, opening into the Divine cosmos within. Through embodiment of her true self, she awakens into her soul’s purpose.
The reverse of the card holds a powerful incantation for you … (printed without watermark).
Goddess of Soul Purpose
Perhaps one of the greatest questions ever posed … “What is my soul’s purpose?”. This simple line has anguished the majority since the beginning of time. We have searched far and wide, studied, worked and strived to uncover what we are here to ‘do’.
But with the willingness to focus on the internal world, instead of constant activity of uncertainty in the outside world, there comes a time when the longing fades, the petals fall and the sweet scent of truth rises from the depths of our heart. The profound knowing that our purpose above all else is to be that which we are at the core of our Being. Love. Light. Pure infinite consciousness. And once that spark of recognition has ignited, we begin to see that EVERY path we choose, every experience we have, leads us to our Soul’s true purpose. Whether we know our career path or not, whether we have the relationships and life experiences we think we should have or not, our soul path is always to return to love. And it is from this place as a full expression of light combined with the uniqueness of our personality that we truly embody our purpose for being here. This unique crystal necklace is designed to call you back to your truth. The knowing that beyond all else, you are enough just as you are. And from that acceptance true destiny arises.